Speaking hope into your life...

Call Us: (214) 301-0413

   One of the most frequent responses Chelsea Roberts, owner and founder, has heard from patients', is being thanked for providing patients a "silver lining."  When developing this company, Roberts wanted to communicate her heart to patients and provide the support needed during those difficult times.  Many patients have experienced a life altering event or diagnosis.  It can be devastating watching your spouse suffer from a stroke and seeing your plans for retirement slip away.   Or having your dreams for your child crushed when the doctor gives the diagnosis of Autism.  No matter your situation or diagnosis, ReImagine is here to support you, encourage you and provide you with the proper treatment to improve your speech and language needs. We are here to teach you the skills and provide the resources needed for a better communication experience.  

John 6:63b

...The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life.
ReImagine Speech and Language Therapy, PLLC

"Speaking hope into your life..."